What is the cause of swollen ankles and feet? It seemed to be just right foot but tonight both feet. I have been taking Prilosec for almost a year due to Gerd, large hiatal hernia, Schlotsky rings, ulcers in esophagus. My Gastro Dr. Just changed me to Zantac 150. I have been on Toprol 50 mg ER not generic for several years. Taking Vitamin D3 4,000 units daily, B 6 &12, Juice plus. Have in May while my broken right shoulder with Lymphedema was healing (lost eyesight in right eye due to eye drops which in fine print said infrequent optic nerve damage which I got May 13th. My rt eye on July 8,2015 had cataract surgery and floaters taken out. Had problems ever since and that is why on the eye drops so long. I am trying to give as complete a history as possible. Thank you!!