Hi, I choked on a tortilla chip about 5 weeks ago. I could breathe but it was very difficult to get the chip to move. After 5 full minutes of trying to swallow it, I finally went into the restroom and had to gag myself to get it to move. It took another 10 minutes to swallow it. Later that night, I felt a piece of something go down my throat when I swallowed. I assumed it was a piece of the chip as it felt like it came from the same place the chip had lodged itself. Next few days I was fine. Then, every now and then,I would feel that same area (left side of my throat just above thyroid) whenever I d swallow. It progressively got worse and now i feel it even when I m not swallowing. Sometimes, it hurts a little when I swallow my food. Tonight, I noticed two lumps behind my left year and one behind my right. There are also a couple of swollen glands on the sides of my neck. Could these be related? Should I be concerned??