HI Dr. Thank you for being available first of all. A couple of weeks ago, I m not sure how I got the sore middle knuckle on my right hand, but all of a sudden, on Saturday after I played two hours of basketball, my entire right hand was swollen. I went to see my primary care physician at Kaiser and he took a look at it and said since you could move your fingers, most likely I didn t break anything. He prescribed that I take 500 milligrams of antibiotics to control the swelling from possible infection from a bug bite Now, going into my 3rd week, the hand is not swollen, however, my middle knuckle is still tender and shows that it is swollen and purple. It hurts when I even braise it like putting my hands in my right pocket. I heard that bruise knuckles can take up to a month to fully heal. I have type a lot at work but in the evening, is there anything I can do to help heal the knuckle faster? Thank you. Concerned patient.