My 4th toe on my right foot is swollen, little red, hot and it hurts on the side of the toe, and under my foot where my 4th toe is. Hurts to bend it and walk (walk with a limp) When I wake up in the morning its really stiff and takes couple HRS to get it started. It gets like this on and off. Couple weeks ago I was doing squats, next morning I wake up and it hurts, I rubbed VOLTAREN in it next day it was fine. Couple weeks later it started again, all I did was walk that day, later that evening it started again, (Saturday) and today is Tuesday and it hasn t gone. Put ice on it, VOLTAREN, elevated it, and it hasn t gone away. I m on my feet all day as I do cleaning and Painting. Just need to know what this could be! Thank you!