y wife is a 33 yrs old female.She developed Hashimotis disease( autoimmune thyroditis) foe which she recieved radioactive iodine.since that time her thyroid hormone did not get to their normal level at all despite the administration of 100mcg eltroxin daily.Currenlty she had a symptoms of dyspnea, general weakness, menstrual irregularities, headace and nervousnesd.The thyroid profile was measured together with vit D level to find a significant elevation of TSH and vit D deficiency with anemia. Eltroxin increased to 200mcg , iron 2 tab per dayand Euro D 50000IU added weekly.Same test repeated after 3 months showing no improvement. Symptoms persist. Your advice please Age: 40 Years, Gender: Male Current medications: Eltroxin 200mcg daily Vit D 50000IU weekly Fe 1 tab bid