Hello, I am a 32 year old male. I had my tonsils removed in my early teen years. Out of nowhere today, I have this scratching feeling at the back (Left Side) of my tongue, where it meets the throat. It feels exactly like a popcorn kernel is stuck back there, but I haven t had popcorn in weeks. I do have heartburn often, and take an OTC medication almost daily to relieve the heartburn. Don t know if it s related or not, but want to give you as much info as possible. It doesn t exactly hurt, but it doesn t feel good and is annoying as all heck. I am a bit of nervous nelly when it comes to health, so the constant thinking about it im sure is not helping. Anyways, I hope you have some sort of answer for me as all the answers I read dont seem to be possible for me. Such as Tonsil Stones and tonsyllth, unless you can still get those when tonsils have been removed. Since I get health anxiety I am fearing the worst..throat cancer...and hoping for the best..inflamed taste bud? Anywho, any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!