I am 53 yr old female in very good health. For several weeks now I thought I was tasting blood when I swallowed, almost sulfuric at times or maybe even taste of infection. In the last 5 weeks I have had 2 yeast infections. I only have had after a round of antibiotics a couple of times that I can ever remember. On my last 3 days off, over a span of 12 days; I have slept until 7-9pm. I am completely run down. I am a high energy, happy being. I do care for an ageing dad and mentally challenged sister. My job is in retail/management, yes I am in over my head & there is literally not enough time in a day. So, yes I am exhausted but I guess I feel like maybe my immune system is compromised. Today is my 1st experience with a boil I think. As I was growing up, I battled w chronic ear infections so much so that both eardrums have deteriorated and are now inoperable. I stayed in hospital a lot from minor/ tubes to major/ tempanoplasty. When I was young I seemed to have experienced any from impetigo to mono, I stayed sick with something always. But, its been a long time and ive been in great health for my adult life with nothing major, the only medication I take is 20mg Lipitor for about 6yrs now. do you think the bad taste, yeast infections and now a boil is related and something I should see a Dr about?