Hi I am a 57 yr old male, with miniers disease (diagnosed age 38)which runs in my family. I was diagnosed with Temporal Arteritis at age 50 after a TIA through biopsy. Neurologist treating after TIA stated I had actually had 3 previously after tests were run. I have not had any issues now for about 7 yrs. Starting about a month ago I started having serious bouts of vertigo that effected my ability to walk, talk etc usually resulting in vomiting. The longest of these bouts lasted approx. 7 hrs (this was the first) but usually last from a few minutes to an hour. The longer ones always seem to involve vomiting now. These do not seem to follow the normal miniers type attack with a steady build up ending in an attack but rather I will be standing in the line at the grocery store, feeling perfectly normal, when I will get an intense vertigo, working on a computer, again just fine, and boom, sudden vertigo - these episodes usually last 5-10 min but have had a few that last an hour or more. A bit of history, after the diagnoses of Temporal Arteritis and the TIA I had an angiogram done of my brain. The results showed that the blood vessels and arteries had been stretched out and beaded thoughout the brain. I was on high dosage of Prednizone for almost 2 yrs (80-100 mg/daily), every time we tried to decrease the dosage the Temporal Arteritis would flare again. I am currently taking 2 mg/day (prednisone) as a maintenance dose. I also take 75 mg/day of Plavix on recommendation of neurologist due to damage to brain blood vessels and arteries, OTC Prilosec on recommendation of Rhuematologist treating/monitoring the Temporal Arteritis, an OTC multivitamin and Diazipam for the miniers as needed in a 2mg dose, though when really bad I will take 4 mg (as in the past month).