Hi, I woke up a few days ago with a sharp pain in the middle to right of my chest, under the right rib cage. Since then its been hard to take a full breath, cough and yawn. When i m lieing down i can feel a small lump just right of centre (1cm) which is tender, and the tenderness continues to the right under the rib cage. I m 30years old and have been living in Pattaya thailand for several years which has resulted in alot of drinking. I also remember getting a tight chest a couple of years back and when i stretch i expereinced a popping sensation across my rib cage (would come and go). The conclusion i have come to is that maybe i have had an enlarged liver (due to drinking) for quite sometime but haven t notice and carried on drinking, resulting in some sort of liver damage. Since having this pain 4 days ago, i have stopped drinking and gradually it feels like it getting slighty better. However i still cannot take a good breath and still its painful to touch, and this doesn t explain the lump in the centre of the chest. Any ideas? Thanks