I had a burning pee and bright white discharge 4 weeks ago. I thought I had chylamidia from a bizarre oral encounter I didn t want or even know was happening, got a culture done in mexico, and in the meantime treated myself with 1g azithromycin. All symptoms were gone the next day, but 5 days later my balls hurt. So I went to another hospital thinking maybe I have gonorrhea. The did a quick urinalysis, not an std specific one, but he said if I had an infection if any sort he would be able to tell. He said it looked fine, but I talked him into treat me for gonorrhea anyways. Only thing is he used a penicillin shot in my butt because they don t have cephalosporins. That was 3 weeks ago. I have had no symptoms but in the last couple days my balls started to hurt again, not a lot just feels like something is going on. I have no burning pee or discharge. The original culture test for chylamidia was negative and the lady hurt me so bad with the swab, I couldn t do a second one for gonorrhea. Should I consider myself free of this or wait to see if anything progresses. I still have 2g of azithromycin. I was thinking about taking that to just be sure it s gone.