Thanks for your query, read and understood your concerns.
The causes of the problems you are facing are as follows:
- The pain in the arms during violent coughing is strain on the neck muscles and enhancing the most probably pre-existing cervical spondilitis.
- The green catarrah indicates an infection of the upper and/or power
respiratory tract.
This needs an antibiotic treatment.
-mouth ulcers are usually idiopathic, meaning no obvious cause is usually found although it is thought that ir occurs due to disturbed intestinal particularly the
- Sore eyes, red spots on eyelid and pain in the temporal region can be due to the
conjunctivitis that comes due to
nasal infection being transferred up.
This also gives pain in the temporal region.
I would advise you the following:
Consult an ENT Surgeon for clinical evaluation, examination and investigations of the blood, phlegm, X-ray of the chest and whatever is required.
Treatment with broad spectrum antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medicines, relaxants for neck muscles to be taken under guidance of a Doctor.