About a month ago,I woke up with an odd feeling in my mouth. I have Lupus and do break out in mouth sores when I have a flare-up. That morning though, I felt like I had grains of sand under the skin of both palates. Along with that, some of those grains work their way out. I have also had watery discharge come out of some of the sores. There is a very thick pastey discharge (?for lack of better way) that works its way out from the roof of my mouth. At that time I also noticed 3 tiny holes, pin sized, towards the back of my hard palate. I didn t think much about them until I began another flare-up and noticed 2 more. Thick foul tasting secretions and those white grains are under the skin of my palate and comes out through those holes, or behind my front teeth. I did see my dentist and he only made me feel crazy! Please help! Also, I do not smoke, chew or drink