Embarrassing question. For as long as I ve been able to ejaculate, I ve always had very powerful orgasms, with extraordinary ejaculatory distance. 6-8 months ago it changed nearly overnight. I went to two doctors, had several tests done, and was told to do kiegels because everything was fine. Instead of being watery with a ton of volume, my semen became thick and would barely come out. I was told it wasn t retrograde, that there was no blockage, and I was free of STDs. Clean bill of health. 8 months later, I m still trying to think of what changed in my lifestyle during that time. Stress was certainly a factor, still is, and ever since, I noticed that when I have an orgasm I feel as if I m doing it out of obligation to relax, and I don t have the sexual freedom I once had. The part that concerns me is that it quite literally changed overnight, having powerful orgasms that would result in impressive ejaculation to having still pretty strong orgasms with barely no ejaculate. I m 27 and it concerns me, it sounds trivial but I want it back. The only thing I can pinpoint is that I started working out and taking protein supplements a week before it happened, as well as allergy medicine that I stopped a week after it happened. I also tend to be dehydrated, honestly, because I drink a lot of coffee. Can someone give me insight? I want this fixed so badly.