You describe an irritation to your throat that has set off a series of reactions to the inflamed condition. Since you have reported no known habits that contribute to this condition, try to evaluate any recent changes to your lifestyle including your sleeping conditions. Do you have any seasonal allergies? Changes in temperature and inside temperature systems can cause a change in breathing habits with some congestion. This can dry out your throat. You may breath through your mouth. The swallowing is a reaction to the inflammatory response and increased saliva production accompanies this.
Have you changed your diet? Food allergies can occur and result in an inflammatory response.
Do you have any exposure to chemicals? Inflammatory responses from your respiratory system from exposure to irritants is a possibility.
Any chance of a
sinus infection?
Post nasal drip is vey irritating to the throat.
Dental conditions can include a draining infection that can contribute to throat irritating.
A medical condition such as a salivary stone or tumor can cause
excessive salivation.
Consider evaluating a my suggestions. Seek medical care if condition continues or worsens. See your general doctor or
dentist. Take some anti-inflammatory medication such as
Tylenol or
Advil for relief. A decongestant may offer relief and help determine if there is a sinus contributing factor. Controlling allergic reactions can benefit from taking the antihistamine
Benadryl .
Thank you for your inquiry.