I had an incident yesterday, while at home, indoors and not handling any cleaners or solvents. Symptoms were: sharp throat pain simultaneously to experiencing an acrid burning rubber odor and similar bad taste seemingly from the odor, running nose, watery eyes and general feeling of not being well. Throat pain was exceedingly sharp and pinpoint localized; not acid reflux, esophageal or related to stomach contents. I was concerned and could not speak. I drank about an once of half and half to lubricate the throat and forced myself to vomit. Vomiting immediately lessened the pain. The amount thrown up was limited to the cream and I detected nothing else. The pain went from 10 to 1 and reduced to less than one in a few moments. This allows occurred after hand tossing away some old refrigerated button type store bought mushrooms and discarding a portion of a yucca plant root into the woods, after which I washed and ate a slice of a Granny Smith apple. Have you seen such symptoms before? What was the cause? I felt like I had invested a poison that was adversely affecting me. There was no euphoria, hallucinogenic, psychoactive or getting high or confused or dizzy affect. I acted quickly due to the pain and concern that the pain could be a forerunner of greater damage. I felt that calling for help was secondary to ridding my body of the threat.