Hi, I get a tickle in my throat, especially at night. This caused me to cough and continually wakes me up. Yes I do smoke but it s not a smokers cough. It s a dry hacking cough caused by the tickle. For some reason when I take Tylenol 1 with codein, I don t have it I am taking way to many of them. I was using the e-cigarette alot, when I first got it but I stopped the e cig and it has continued. I try lozenges and they work after a bit but it is very annoying to keep waking up in sleep. Any ideas. I still smoke and have been 47 years. I use to get this sympton years ago when I was on Tylenol 4 s and then would not take them. As soon as I would quit them, I would get this tickle in the throat but it would only last for about 2 - 3 days. Any ideas?