hi and pleased to answer you
You have a very high
body mass index (34) while standards are less than 25. Moreover, you are suffering from both,
hypertension and diabetes.
What I can tell you is that your blood is sweet (diabetes), sugar behaves like a strong oxidizing potential of
cholesterol particles, making your cholesterol harmful from a quality point of view.
So you risk tremendously to see your coronary vascular axes (
cardiac muscle nutrition) limit the nutritional flow to the heart muscle and therefore you will have to undergo
chest pain following this irrigation deficiency especially during any activities.
So, you not only need to decrease your weight but you must absolutely stabilize your diabetes and hypertension.
In the present context of the clinical symptoms that you feel, it seems to me also very urgent to make a thorough consultation with your cardiologist and to highlight the damage present at the coronary level in order to establish an adequate therapeutic regimen.
best wishes