Hi! I m an 18 year old female and I ve had this virtually constant, miserable tight and heavy feeling in my chest, and a feeling of perpetual nausea. The tightness in my chest and nausea seem linked since they get better and worse along with each other. The chest feeling is like its hard to breath in all the way, i guess like my airway feels tight in the upper part of my chest (my best attempt at a description), So in the rare time my chest opoens up some and I can breath better I dont feel so nauseated .... Well, you know i say nausea but it s different sort of...just a blah, pukey feeling. Hard to describe. But my chest definitely feels very tight and heavy and it s often hard to breath in, almost like my lungs are weak or something. Or there is something squeezing in my chest preventing it. I ve also had some abdominal pains everyday the past few weeks.