My 54-year-old son-in-law, African-American, began having tingling in his hands, then weakness in his wrists and hands about two years ago. Now he has difficulty buttoning a shirt. After his knees started swelling and became painful, he was diagnosed with RA, although none of his blood tests have any markers. Even his CRP levels are normal; however, his neck under his jaw on the right and left sides of face began swelling around six months ago, as if he has mumps. Now he drools, has difficulty enunciating his words, chokes at least once or twice daily on his spit, has a dry, persistent cough and suffers from fatigue. Yesterday, his legs and belly swelled, and went to the urgent care facility, and they sent him on to the hospital. His ECG was normal, his blood pressure was low (very unusual for him) and his BNP level was over 2,000. He was given diuretics, and the fluid was drained off his lungs. His heart is enlarged, with nodes on the right side. What is this?