Hello, and thank you in advance! I have had tremors for a few years. This year they have worsened. I am also having what feels like bone aching--all over body, headaches daily, heightened since of smell that affects my appetite negatively, lightening flash and haze in my right eye, weakness--things seem much heavier to pick up or harder to open, and my fingers and toes freeze right up. Family history of Multiple sclerosis 2 sisters, Parkinson and Alzheimer s Dad, Lou Gehrig s Uncle. Also a whitening of the skin under my nails. Had 3 tic bites in last 6 weeks. My regular doctor was out of office but doctor I saw put me on Doxycyline for 1 week to treat a potential Lyme s disease. He did not believe the tics were Lyme-carrying. He did not do Lyme s test. Should I seek the opinion of a neurologist regarding neurologic diseases or wait until my regular doctor returns? Again than you very much for your help!