Hi, I have the following symptoms, most of them only occur on the left side of my body: - normal pain in my left ear (since a week, up to 5 times daily, 5 min a time) - weak to normal pain behind and around my left ear (same as above) - weak pain under the left side of my jaw(same as above) - very weak pressure pain under the neck muscle on the left side (since a week, all the time) - normal pressure pain under the left collarbone (since a week, 20 times or more a day) - weak to normal piercing pain somewhere between the 3rd and 5th rib directly left to the middle of my chest(since a week, nearly all the time) - normal piercing pain in the front side of my left armpit(since 3 days, 20 times or more a day) - pulsating in my upper right arm (since some hours, all the time),(this one might be trivial since it s not very old) - two grown lymph nodes, one in front of my right ear(~0.8cm diameter) was soft 3 weeks ago and turned hard 2 weeks ago, the other one on the left side of my neck between the neck-pain-position and the collarbone (~0.8cm diameter) is hard and probably only two weeks old. Both are: too small to be seen directly, mobile under the skin and don t hurt. I visited a doctor a week ago and asked him about the lymph nodes, he said that it s nothing bad. But since the new symptoms came along, I wanted to make sure that there s nothing to worry about. Thanks for your time.