Hello, my son is a very active, fit, 21 year old male. He came home from snowboarding after 2 hours today at a terrain park in the rocky mountains. Sore ankle and hit head hard he said. He was of course wearing a helmet. I know what to do about the ankle, as this sort of thing happens to both my kids...(they are both flipping, soaring junkies ) on snowboards and behind the wakeboard boat. He had a bad headache, was hungry and wanted to go to bed. I fed him and took care of his ankle, I looked closely at his pupils in his eyes. They were the same size, but dilated, but the sun was shining brightly into the house. He has been sound asleep for over 2 hours now. He remembers the fall, remembers driving a half hour home down the mountain. I will watch him for other signs, my question is the pupils of his eyes. Is it different sized pupils????? Dilated???? Looking for info on this please. It has been 36 years since college and anatomy classes and such for me, I do not remember. Can I just let him sleep????