Hi i am Dr Ahmed Aly
thanks for using HealthcareMagic site ,
I had gone through your question and understand your concerns ..
In my opinion you may have a kind of cervical
radiating pain accompanied by a muscular strain . in some cases pain subside simultaneously even without medications just by relaxing your shoulders .
For my patients i may suggest painkillers like
advil tabs when needed , hot massages with topical gels , B12 vitamin supplements , muscle relaxants , in severe cases
steroid tabs or injection may be prescribed if needed .
You try to avoid heavy lifting , vigorous movements , bad sleeping or sitting postures , avoid bending your back for along time sometimes an arm sling is helpful .
If your pain persists i recommend
MRI on
cervical spine to rule out any kind of spinal injuries like discs or herniation and follow it up with your
neurologist for proper evaluation and management to prevent further complications .
Please click and consider a 5 star rating with some positive feedback if the information was helpful. Wish you good health,
Any further clarifications feel free to ask.