Hi and welcome to HCM.
The history of the condition you mentioned is suggestive of
migraine, or a
cervicogenic headache, which is it is caused due to
stiffness in
cervical spine due to bad posture.
A few simple neck exercises will be helpful , like :
1. Chin tuck in exercise,
2. Side stretching neck exercise
3. Side to side rotations
To be done frequently, with minimum of 5 repetitions spread 3-4 times in a day.
During the headache avoid , lights and music, this may aggravate the headache. Instead make a towel roll and place it under the neck and lie down for a few minutes, try to gently press it in between for a hold of 10 seconds.
Lie in prone position, it effects the cervical spine curvature negatively, leading to more stiffness.
Physical therapy will prove more beneficial than chiro in this regard.
I hope this information is helpful to you. Take care and have a nice day :)
Dr.Nidhi Sood (PT)