I had vaginal bleeding (period was 10 days prior, I don t have break through bleeding/spotting) around 1am (I got up to pee), it was bright red, kind of a lot I thought when I wiped but seemed to subside after then (no other pain than I usually have - I have discomfort on a regular basis, they said it was probably endimetrios about 7 years ago). I am 38, had dysplacia 2x (stage 2 -1st x had cryo=2001, 2nd x stage 1 cleared on own=2006?) I had the obgyn do a pregnancy test the day after bleeding they said I wasn t pregnant (believe I had a miscarriage a yr ago) nor was I trying to get pregnant. They did an ultrasound and found many calcifications in my endocervical canal. My obgyn said she is going to scrape them out and anylize them but says she has never seen this before. What is going on?