I have gone through your query and can understand your concern...
Vaginal bleeding post intake of an
emergency contraceptive pill like Postinor is not a problem. The bleeding you had must be
breakthrough bleeding which normally occurs within 3 weeks of intake of this pill. This is bleeding normal feature of intake of postinor pill & means that intake of postinor was succesful in preventing pregnancy. You should not be much concerned about it.
This bleeding is due to high dose of
levonorgestrel in the pill, which disrupts your normal menstrual cycle & cause this type of bleeding. Don't take postinor pill too frequently. These pill can cause
irregular periods & other serious side effects. Use condom or regular contraceptive pill regularly as method of
contraception in future. These have less side effects & are more effective in preventing pregnancy.
Refer to a gynaecologist for more queries
Don't worry you would be fine
Hope this information helps