Hello, I have depression and anxiety and on Tuesday I took a overdose with my anti-depressants called Steriline. I took 54, 50g tablets and suffered a bad tremor, motion sickness and very bad high blood blood pressure. I stayed overnight but by morning was better and they discharged me. I still very weak but am coping, I saw a doctor today and my blood pressure was normal which I was happy with. The annoying thing is as soon as I get home I go to the toilet and I m bleeding heavily from the vagina (I am on the contreceptive rod and so I don t get periods) It was very clotted and bright red, very red and painful. Now it s gone like a black colour but is still quite heavy. Seeing as Im weak as it is, losing all this blood isn t havimg a good affect on ME and Im worried that it s somerhing to do with the overdose? Please help Im scared. Thank you!!!