Hello. (Sorry about my English skills, I m brasilian) My girlfriend and I are having sex for about 1 year by now, she was virgin back then, we have sex more or less once a week and we never had any problems about this, until yesterday when she bled out of period date. The last time we had sex was 2 days before this happen, and it was safe sex, we used a condom, just like we ever do, and I always make sure I m doing it right. She does not take any pills though. She told me the bleeding was just a little bit and scared her because it looks like a pregnancy thing. I know it may look a bit stupid but does she have any chance of being pregnant? We saw some things about diseases that may do this bleeding but the chances are too low, aren t they? And without the pills in the game I think the chances are even lower, right? I m going to say some info that may help you helping me: *Some months ago she did a hormones tests some months ago and it resulted nothing. * Even with the hormones test saying she s ok, I must say she has anxiety, she over-thinks everything. Shes also flat-chested and tinny what may be involved with hormones. *The last period of her came some days late, and she said it never happened before. (and then she also got scared) * Last time we had sex I ended up hurting her a little bit once we were trying new things, but hurting her a bit is not something new (I kind of blame she being fresh , and yea I avoid hurting her of course). * I Take care of how I use condoms, all day I ejaculate only once, just right when the sexual intercourse is ending. The condom never broke. * She was looking for a job these last 2 weeks so she may be a bit stressed. * (awkward to say but) Regularly we aim for ejaculating together once each at the end, but this last time we had some more time and she ended up finishing about three times, but I only ejaculated once, at the end as always. Not the first time she finishes more than once but it happened only a few times. Right now we are waiting for her next period which is dated for like 10-15 days from now, once it gets late shes going to do a pregnancy test and if negative we are going to visit a doctor, but till there... What do you think this bleeding may be?