Please help am I over stressing?
Is my period on it's way, has anyone else experienced this?
Me and my boyfriend had sex but Im really starting to regret because I just found out he cheated on me with my friend and some other girl:( anyway we think the condom broke so 1-2 hours later I took the emergency contraceptive pill and I had finished my period for that month on the 10th and started on the 3rd. On the 16th I had a blood flow that was heavy and lasted 3 days, was this my period? Or spotting caused by the pill? Also as I had finished my period a few days before the sex, is it possible that I had already produced another egg? I'm currently experiencing discharge that is like what I would usually get when ovulating and I am feeling very bloated and occasionally get cramps like my period, I am worried I could be pregnant but I'm hopeful I'm not as I took the pill as soon as possible and I'm hopeful that I'll get my period but I'm really scared and I am still worried as I have anxiety and I stress myself out a lot, any feedback would be appreciated, thankyou