I m on my period, the second day. i inserted a tampon, I had to lean further over to insert it correctly so it doesn t feel like it s going to fall out (after my fourth child, my tilted uterus feels more tilted when I have to use one). The urge to pee hit me, but not like normal. It was I better get to the bathroom and NOW (it was about 1-2 hours later) I ran to the bathroom and when I pulled the tampon out, I had EXTREME PAIN, and I noticed it wasn t soaked in blood like previous tampons from that day, I used 2 regular and 2 supers (that was my second super) Now the pain won t go away, like a urinary trac infection that hit me faster then ever before. I have IC, but this doesn t feel like an IC flair, which is very painful...this is much worse. My vagina is burning, and I feel like I have to pee constantly. When I pee, it s like razor blades. I have been fine the whole day, changed my tampons about 3-4 times from about 9-6, every time I urinate. I thought maybe a piece was left in me (I used Playtex and that s never happened before) but when I checked when I was on the potty, it felt like there was a bulge inside my vagina. It was very tender and I ve never felt it before, like something was bulging out of me. I can t move from the bed, I ve taken a levaquin, perydium, and a pain pill. It still hurts. What in the world did I do?! And then I wonder if it s cancer, that bulge inside!