I am female, 26 years, had sex. Has not get married yet. 1 weeks ago, In my vaniga, it apears alot of rough spots, has a lot of white liquid, no smell, I did some test in Hospital : HIV, HbsAg, syphilis, gonorhea, HPV, Chlammydia, all of them was (-). And one test with Fungus is (+) , but they dont know what type of fungus. Doctor said: my uterus had phlogistic 2mm ( some alignment inside of uterus are going out of uterus ). But I read some book and studied that if I was phlogistics in neck of uterus - it will was not rough spot in the vaniga, it only appear in neck of uterus. May be I was wrong, pls tell me the reason why I had a lot of rough spot in vaniga Many thanks!