8 yrs ago I had what i thought was my first vertigo spell. Since then it has been very sporadic, maybe twice in the span of the next 3-4 yrs. But the last 4 yrs now it has been happening on a fairly regular basis, but has also been accompanied by strong headaches, eye pain and just overall severe pain in my neck and shoulders. The doctors cant seem to find out what the problem is. I go to a native american indian clinic and they do not participate in pain management and have just always given ibuprofen, which does not work. I recently had a friend tell me about chiari malformation and I have been doing a little reading on it and it is symptomatic similiar to what has been going on with me. Can this be a progressive thing over time or is it something that would have been caught by now? They have done MRI s, CT scans and x-rays, but have always said nothing abnormal . Would this be something they needed to be looking for or would it have been noticed by a well trained physician? Also, with the vertigo spells, I have these even when I am in a deep sleep? Is that normal with vertigo or should I be considering something else may be wrong? I am at a loss of what to do and am wondering if my health care provider should be changed and may be see some sort of specialist. Im not sure what kind of doctor i need to see though. Any input would be greatly appreciated