I am not even sure if what i have is Vertigo but it sounds like it and i have heard E.R doctors and nurses and my neurologist mention it quite a few times... I have had this issue for many years even keeps me from working and i can not even get no disability with no prof of whats going on. doctors can see it but they can not pin point what is causing it. I get REALLY bad dizzy spells at random. Nothing i can do besides lay down and relax, nothing helps but almost everything makes it worse. Has been going on for 9+ years or for as long as i can remember, happens when i am out and about in big areas or large amounts of people, when i spin around, have caffeine, look at a cell phone or computer screens for long period of time, can not lay flat on my back with head all the way down or look straight into the sky... its not always room spinning sensations a lot of the times it feels things look as they are not supposed to. Things looking as if they were on a tilt or walls look like they are crooked same with objects. I am not sure if it relates but every year or so when my dizzy spells get worse i notice my memory fading and getting harder to remember things, harder to stay focus ed, speech is very messy sometimes(comes and goes) i will say weird and random words randomly in middle of a sentence i have even experienced a few times of saying a 5 word sentence completely backwards without even hesitating or thinking about it... just said it like it was a natural thing. I know there is a few more issues but they are not coming to light at the moment having troubles remembering everything i experience randomly because its never steady or has a time frame. can feel good for a month then have issues every second of everyday for 3 weeks.