Has she ever had a seizure before? Is there a family history of seizures?
Febrile seizures are a very common type of seizure in this age. However, her temperature was not high enough for this to be a possibility.
Your daughter must be evaluated(best specialist is a pediatric
neurologist) to see if this was a seizure.
Many times, when the seizure is over(days or weeks later), the history of what happened will allow the pediatric neurologist to make the diagnosis.
I recommend that you make an appointment with a pediatric neurologist as soon as you can.
While you and your wife are waiting for the appointment, everything about this episode that the two of you can recall WRITE DOWN.
-Was she ill before this happened? Did she vomit before the shaking started?
-Had she recently hit her head?
-Was she irritable, acting not her usual self, had a pale complexion, or lose consciousness at the start of the shaking?
-Did she cry out at the beginning of the shaking?
-Was she incontinent of urine or stool?
-Was she stiff before the shaking? Rolling her eyes, tongue biting, blue skin coloration, or drooling?
- After the shaking stopped did she fall asleep, complain of a headache, or have a temporary
paralysis of an arm or leg?
-PLUS anything else that you can recall.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr Arnold Zedd,