My 20 YO daughter, has recently developed a chronic problem. Every month (menstrual) for the last several months she begins vomiting for several (4-7) days. She tries to stay hydrated by taking sips of water, juice and gatoraid but cannot keep anything down. Most times ends up in ER without any abnormal test results for pregnancy or other battery of tests given. Heart results were slightly out of range and was advised to see a cardiologist, which she did not do. States she doesn t do drugs which I m not sure I would place a bet on. The only Thing she has told us is she stopped taking her birth control for unstated reason. Several months ago they admitted her over night, administered an iv with anti nausea medication and kept her until she ate solid food. Now they know her, re hydrate with iv and release without admission. within hours, she is sick again. Prescription anti nausea does not work and comes back up. This does not sound normal, but due to HIPA, I only know what she chooses to tell me. She swears nothing else is going on, but we have our doubts. What else can I do? Thanks in advance for any advice/feedback you may have.