Im 24, 5'5'', and weigh 113 lbs. ive been having more serious problems with hemorrhoids for a little over 3 months now and on and off ulcers (due to accidentally overdosing on aspirin by not reading the dosage on a prescription when i was 19..burned a hole right through my stomach). ive been in a relationship for almost 9 months now yet recently discovered i have hpv that causes genital warts. ive only ever found one small wart around the opening of the vagina which was removed, and was fine until my body started having problems with my internal bodily functions (in the intestines stomach and hemorrhoids.. which im getting treated for now and going to see a gastroenterologist.) however, i noticed out of no where some warts popped up again and seemed to of grown bigger and faster.. and seems to be more of a discomfort with itching. I cant help but think its possibly due to these steroidal suppositories that were given to me for the hemorrhoid. is it possible that using the steroidal suppositories for hemorrhoids could make the genital warts worse around the vagina? and if so, due to me having to be on these suppositories for 2 weeks, what am i supposed to do to help the situation? also can my problems internally with the intestines and stomach possibly make the warts worse due to the stress or disturbance its causing my body overall? please help