If I tell you very simple things, be sure, you do it since all the patients whom I treated for such conditions were more or less benefited with these safe and natural remedies.
Pl get capsule Tulsi, cap Giloy and Cap Haridra of Himalaya co. ( common in India but may be found globally, explore on net) each 1 TDS.
Suck Koflet lozenges 4-6 times a day.
If you can drink turmeric 1/2 tsp in warm milk or water at least once a day and gargle with warm water and Turmeric mixed in that. It's bacteriostatic, healer, antiinflammatory, anti
cold etc.
For added advantage Tab
LIV 52 DS is best for recovering from weakness and increasing appetite. To my patients I give 1 BDS to 1 TDS.
All these med may be taken for upto 4 weeks or more. No interaction, no side effects.
Hope this natural Ayurveda helps you without any toxic effects of other synthetic drugs.
All the best. Be happy.