Hi welcome to HCM
I can understand your concern for your weakness and muscle twitching all over the body.
Dear as far as I can understand ,the cause of your problem lies with your weak immune system due to your faulty food habits and derailed life style .
Muscle twitching is a very natural expression of body when its 3 basic
factors - Vata ,Pita & phlegm are deranged because , some of the , essential ingredients are missing or over consumed in your diet .
No drugs, supplements, or other treatments have been found that completely control the symptoms, unless modify your food habits and life style
Including essential nutrients , vitamins , minerals
antioxidants in natural form in your balanced diet , sufficient hydration and regular physical activity and avoiding tea , coffee ,alcohol ,
smoking ,
anxiety , anger
constipation , will help balance 3 basic factors - Vata ,Pita & phlegm which is the basis of our healthy immunity .
However, often the most effective approach to treatment is to treat any accompanying anxiety.
When you experience a spasm or muscle twitchings , you can do Pranayam
Deep Breathing - Inhale - hold - Exhale - Hold 15 times
Do Kpalbhatti - Throw your breath out with force 50 times - only exhale ,
to increase circulation and help the muscle relax
The alkaline property in milk helps pacify acidity in abdominal cramps. Besides, milk is also a good source of calcium, which helps muscles relax. Take a cup of warm milk with a level spoon of turmeric powder at bed time .
Ginger, garlic helps relax muscles and calms the vata dosha, relieving pain from the
muscle cramps. You can use it for both
smooth muscle cramps or
skeletal muscle spasm.
If your problem still persists , Consult a specialist .
Hope this helps solve your query .
Take care ,all the best.