For several months, I ve been dealing with issues behind the ears where first they were really itchy, then ended up appearing to weep pus as a result of the scratching. I ve had this treated over the months with a couple of courses with prescribed pills and two creams that were prescribed (one I ended up using more then I used the other due to thinking the cream I ended up using the most [which I took 3 times a day] treated it far better). For several weeks, I ran out of said cream and decided to try and limit my scratching as much as possible (better said than done but I m definitely getting there) and spots appeared around the ears and on my neck but now seem to be going but now I m ultra-worried that my hands might have become too dry from using too much anti-bacterial gel or handwash lately and may be developing a similar thing to my ears (they now sometimes smell really weird even after a shower or washing and I m not sure wether it s the same stuff that makes the ears smell like this if they leak pus or not) and whilst I m very nervous about the thought, I also get confused as to wether other feelings might be related or part of my nervousness due to this. Of course, whilst treating my ears, the fronts of my ears have been a bit odd skin-wise too and have also smelt a little if I rub those areas but I assumed it was just part of what was going on at the backs of the ears. Whilst I can t see it in the mirror, it sometimes feels as though the left side of my face has a bit of an achy feeling to it sometimes underneath the chin a little, but I m more sure if I should worry about that neither. There were times where I d also get a few ear pains and a strange, iffy feeling at the side of my throat too, but I m not sure if the throat stuff is anything to be concerned about or anything linked, despite the fact that it is part of the ear-nose-and-throat section of the face, of course. Not sure about what goes on in the ears but I try my best to not get them infected and I worry about those too as sometimes they can get a little itchy. Don t know if they weep pus too but from what I know, I don t think so and if they do, certainly extremely minor in comparison to the backs of the ears after scratching them too much. Every time I *do* scratch now, unless I m having a shower whilst I ve done it, I instantly put kitchen paper or toilet paper to areas that are either cut or just in case more pus leaks to the backs of the ears and sometimes also the fronts of the ears if they re cut from the scratching. I ve seen 3 doctors about the problems with the back of the ears, the first said it was common and that it s very easy to treat and prescribed to me Fucidin and a course of pills (Augmentin). The second thought it was a different kind of infection (first said it was bacterial, the second said it was fungal) and prescribed to me the cream (can t remember the name) I thought wasn t as good as the cream I ended up using the most, but suggested I kept using Augmentin until the course was done and the 3rd one prescribed to me more pills (especially can t remember the names of those pills, but they weren t as strong as Augmentin) and suggested I kept using Fucidin in comparison to the other cream until it s gone. My ears still itch, even though I do try my best not to itch them at all or not itch them so much but my Dad looks at them and says that, even without the cream and even if I sometimes unintentionally scratch them as a result of waking up and noticing the itch half-asleep sometimes, they are looking a lot better with the left ear almost back to normality and the right ear (which was the ear that was affected the worst) is becoming less and less red each day. However, it still doesn t stop the worried of my hands and how they smell in relation to my ears and worrying that whatever is causing this may be spreading (if it does). I have zero idea on what this is and I m not sure where to start with trying to find out but, what parts about this should I still be worried about and is this all part of a dangerous or fatal condition in the first place? What *is* this condition anyway and how best do I treat it in all likelihood? Thank you! I m 19 (20 this November), I m fairly tall but I m unsure of my actual height. I m also not sure of my actual weight neither but I know I m obese (last time I weighed myself, I was nearing 250lbs if I got that right) and I never had any real, long serious conditions before, although I did used to have tonsillitis almost annually every Winter for about 4-5 years during my teenage years.