I ve been on Implanon for 2 years this coming October. Its been nothing but a problem causing my periods to mess up and terrible weight gain. I went to the doctor and he said its deep and he s surprised I haven t fallen pregnant if I have an active sexual life. Well, I must ve slept wrong because one day about 3 months ago I woke up, my arm was sore and when I touched the rod it would click? Anyway, I was very sexually active with my partner, I d say nearly 7 weeks ago now. 6 days after the last time we did the baby dance as people call it, I got period like cramps - sort of a tugging sensation- and started spotting pink and brown blood in my cm. 2 days passed and I was getting the same thing along with tender veiny breasts, nausea, extreme fatigue and turning my nose up at anything spicy or cheesy. Then I bled heavily with no cramping for 4 days, was fine for 7 days after that, then pains with heavy bleeding for 4 days, fine for 7 days after that, and then again I got the 4 days of cramping and heavy bleeding and now its completely fine again but now I m getting an extreme amount of cm and its very milky coloured, I ve been having vivid dreams, rushing to the loo more than I usually do, my nausea has settled down but I ve been craving pastas and roasts and all these savory foods when I ve been more of a fruit person myself. My breasts have grown a cup size and they re naturally different sizes to each other since I was about 12. My nipples ache not even I can touch them. I ve never experienced any of this on Implanon before. They say they can be side effects but I ve been on this for nearly 2 years so surely the effects would ve happened before? I ve taken dozens of tests, all seem to be negative, I white line will appear and then disappear (first response) and then what seems to be a colored indent will appear but my family doesn t think its a proper line (I have read that some women s hcg levels don t appear high enough to show on hpts so maybe that s my problem if I am pregnant?) Some days I have a heavy feeling in my uterus like someone s replaced it with a rock, I ll press down and feel absolutely nothing. I have the worst lower back pain which I have never experienced my whole life!! Like never and its hitting me so hard allllll the time! If I was pregnant I d be nearly 9 weeks since my last proper period (what seemed to be like my usual period) would be July 10. Sometimes I swear I can feel flutters but I don t know if its gas or what, I ve never been pregnant so I wouldn t know, although I question sometimes when I don t feel a fart coming on lol. I ve seen many women and I have friends who have fallen pregnant on Implanon, so it must definitely be possible, do you think I m pregnant? I also check my cervix often and depends on the time of day, sometimes its hard sometimes its soft, sometimes its tightly closes sometimes I think its the slightest bit open but it hasn t been open for 7 weeks now even when I was bleeding! It feels very swollen and it hurts after I have sex now so I dont know if that could mean anything? I ve also been taking my bbt and I was 36.6 before any of this started, ever since, even when bleeding I still checked and for the last 7 weeks the lowest its been is 37.5 and the highest is 38.1 ! And my rested heart rate has gone from a smooth 66 beats a minute to a whopping 120 beats a minute!! Please help would I best just to get an ultrasound and see if anything shows up??