Can understand your concern..
As per your complain a white bump on the
hard palate near the front teeth can be a traumatic ulcer caused due to injury caused by some hard food..
It can also be due to injury to the minor
salivary gland or its ducts in that area leading to spillage of its contents into the soft tissues and gets accumulated there leading to formation of a small lump known as
It can also be due to
allergic reaction to some food..
You need not to worry as a traumatic lesion can heal itself..
Mucocele also resolve itself and do not require treatment but in case if it does not resolve surgical removal has to be done..
Concentrated salt water rinses can at times help in regressing the lesion..
In case it is due to allergy taking antihistamine like allegra or
benadryl can help..
Salt water gargles can help..
Hope this information helps..
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Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.