(this is all happening to my right eye) About two weeks ago I noticed a white bump on my upper eyelid, I thought it was full of pus and I thought it was a pimple and a few days later it went away. Ever since then my eye has been very watery, then about a week ago I felt a very strong pain whenever I would rub or even barely touch the eye. I couldn t pinpoint exactly where the pain was coming from. Then a few days ago I noticed a scab right under the lacrimal punctum. I thought the scab was causing the pain, so tonight as I was washing my face I scrubbed the scab away. There was no pain, but I noticed a dark spot on the bottom of my upper eyelid. And, when I rub my eye, the pain is still there. And there is another white bump on that eyelid but it is very small. So I m very confused as to what this all may be?? Thank you