i have an IUD and ive had it for 8 years now. recently ive notice a off white discharge coming out. im not to fond of what the vergina smells like any way, but im not itchy and its not red. but i did use a douch a couple of days ago. was wondering if using the douch twice in one month effected my natural imbalance??? oh and every time i sneeze my abdomen on my right side hurts, like i have a hurnia.. what do u think the pain is?
i have an IUD and ive had it for 8 years now. recently ive notice a off white discharge coming out. im not to fond of what the vergina smells like any way, but im not itchy and its not red. but i did use a douch a couple of days ago. was wondering if using the douch twice in one month effected my natural imbalance??? oh and every time i sneeze my abdomen on my right side hurts, like i have a hurnia.. what do u think the pain is?
the pain is feels like a really bad cramp when i sneeze.