Hi,About a month ago I had a black rash on my butt, white open sore on tongue, which swelled my lips and tongue also puse sores on my index fingers. Once swelling went down my teeth started hurting and both ears filled will green puse and then in my throat. I went to the ER and I was hospitalized for 3 days infection went into my blood stream. I ve been home for 3 days and the sore is back in my mouth and my ears drained green, clear then blood. Now my joints (mainly my fingers, hips and toes) hurt and my fever is the highest since all of this at 102..............Hospital diagnosed celliust.....my question is it something more serious? I aslo have lupus (3 months ago my chin kept getting a blister like zits and if I popped and touched my cheeks it would spread there) Thank you Monica