Dear Doctors,
I am concerned because a few days ago, I saw a thin brown fiber attached to a stool. Of course, I worried that it could be a dead worm. It was about 1" and equal diameter. I just passed it off as possibly from eating fresh oranges because they have fibers. But today, I found two stools with white worm looking things attached. One was thicker and uneven and the other was a little thinner and longer. I waited to see if they moved, but they didn't seem to. I am now more concerned since they were white and I haven't eaten an orange for a few days. I've read things on the internet today and wonder if it could be threadworms? I am overdue for a physical, but I feel fine. I also eat a few dried prunes each day because I do have constipation if I don't eat good fiber. Prunes are fibrous too, however, the strings/worms were white today. I am 62 and healthy - no drugs :-) Thanks for your suggestions!