Dear Doctors, I m a 28 years old female -from Algeria, Africa- and I ve been suffering from what it s been diagnosed as a mycosis in my intimate area since the age of 14. I went to a specialist twice when I was a teenager, but now I m too shy and embarrassed to let anyone see this part of my body, so every time it appears I just take what the doctors prescribed me: Saforelle Gentle Cleansing Care and Mycocide (an antifungal that contains Triamcinolone,Néomycine and Nystatine). When I apply the cream for a week the swollen spots get better but the dark things on my lips (I can t tell which ones minor or major) never went away. I m too scared to know the truth about my condition but I can t stay indifferent anymore. What I noticed during all those years is that it gets worse when I take antibiotics to treat other minor health problems. For the record, I clean this area with water everytime I use the toilet and with soap once a day. I also never had any sexual contact or relations in my life, but I got recently engaged and I m frightened to let my fiancé get close to me. I don t have a camera but I ll try to take a picture of it if necessary. Please, help me. All my regards