You have yellow eyelids but no lumps. You have history of
high cholesterol and have been taking medications for it since many years. You have not mentioned here about what medicines you have been taking to lower your cholesterol levels. If you have ben taking statins, intensive
statin therapy for a long period may increase the risk of developing diabetes, it affects the liver, causes neurological side effects, damages muscles, affects the eye, etc.
Liver dysfunction can cause yellow eyelids or skin. Get liver function tests and if required imaging tests done to detect any damage to the liver. To detox and help liver cells / tissues repair you can switch to boiled home made nutritious food over oily, spicy, junk food. You can add a dash of olive oil for taste. Avoid any other oil or butter for a couple of days. Always take boiled water after cooling it.
Avoid trans fat, refined flour, red meat, full fat dairy products, high carbs or sugars. Take lean meat, small fish, fruits, veggies, well cooked whole cereals, dry fruits, etc. You can take food good for the live or liver tonics. Medical condition that can cause yellow eyelids is Xanthelasma. It is an early warning sign of
heart disease.
You are suggested to get clinically examined by a Cardiologist. Get lipid function tests done.
Stress test, ECG, Echo,
urinalysis, CBC, blood glucose (F and PP), other imaging tests if required done to detect any developing CAD. You will be treated accordingly. You can control you cholesterol/
triglyceride levels by strict diet control as suggested combined with walking two kilometers regularly.
Make lifestyle changes, switch to healthy food habits. Stay away from addictions if any. Get connected with a Physical therapist and a nutritionist. Get liver function tests and lipid function tests repeated after every 45-50 days of lifestyle change. Your reports will get better. You can also
consult a dermatologist in regard to the yellow coloration of your eyelid.
Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Nupur K., General & Family Physician