Can understand your concern..
As per your complain bumps in V shape on the back of the tongue are CIRCUMVALLATE PAPILLAE which are slightly raised in appearance and contains
taste buds which can sense bitter taste.
If it is not excessively raised or there are no symptoms like redness or soreness etc it can be a normal.
But as you explained that you have Thrush which is a
fungal infection and thrush can aid in increased bacterial and viral infections in the mouth and thus can infect the papilla too.
The other part of the question is that yellowness of gums can either be due to bacterial infection leading to a condition known as
It can also be due to fungal infection infecting the gums..
A few medical conditions like
jaundice and anaemia can cause pale and yellowish appearence of gums..
I would suggest you to
consult a dentist and get evaluated for the exact cause for all the conditions and treatment can be planned according to the cause..
In case of mild thrush antifungal gels, lozanges and mouthwashes can be helpful.
Taking yoghurt or curds daily can help in relieving from thrush..
Do warm saline gargles..
Practice good
oral hygiene.
As thrush can also occur to immuno compromised patients like HIV and
Diabetes knowing the underlying diseases can help in planning the treatment..
In case of gingivitis thorough scaling and antibiotics and gum paint can be relieving.
Hope your query is solved..
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.