I have had a yellow discharge for 5 years. Recently I found out I had chlamydia. I took Azithromycin, and the discharge went away. My discharge returned to it s normal color, white, and my stool returned to it s normal color, brown. Then I was reinfected with chlamydia, I think. I took STD tests, but they came back negative. My discharge also returned to its yellow color, and my stool returned to a yellow brown color. I ve taken medication for a yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis, but they didn t work. I ve also taken two more drugs for chlamydia, Doxycycline and Levofloxacin, but neither of them worked. I ve tried douching, but that didn t help. Sex is painful. My cervix had been in a lot of pain, and I bled. I took a hot bath, and my period came on for 30 days. What could this discharge be?