Hi I need help with my symptoms. So for 3 months I have been feeling a discomfort and tense feeling in my left hand and wrist. I have a mild pain in my wrist, in the center of my hand and in the lower part of my fingers. So after trying to guess what was wrong with me I finally went to a doctor and he suspected I had Carpal Tunnel, so I had a X-Ray, a Ultrasound and a EMG in my wrist, so after some time my results came in and the X-Ray and EMG came fine but the Ultrasound had a different measure in my median nerve but the doctor told me I didn t have Carpal Tunnel because the EMG was fine, So then he told me to get a bloodtest because he wanted to check for something else and the bloodtest came fine. I am going to go to the doctor again this week but I was wondering if you guys can give me some light in all of this and try to guess what s wrong with me. Thanks